MTHS awakening system

This is a system of healing that awakens people enough to then discover themselves as love. When our internal representation of ourselves and of life is founded in love, everything continuously gets better and we are much more well equipped to deal with the challenges that life brings to us. The life we get to experience in our outer world is an exact vibrational match to our inner world where our unconscious behavioural patterns and beliefs are. If something’s not working on the outside, it’s only ever there to show us what is not working on the inside so we can then do the healing. Trying to change the outside stuff without healing the inside stuff is futile and will never create permanent transformations. MTHS The Awakening Healing System stands out as a holistic approach to inner transformation, offering a comprehensive framework for individuals to unlock their true potential and embody their highest selves.

But what exactly is the MTHS, and how does it facilitate the awakening process?

The MTHS is a multidimensional approach to self-realization, drawing upon principles from metaphysics, spirituality, psychology, and energy medicine. It is designed to guide individuals through a transformative journey of awakening, healing, and empowerment, leading to greater alignment with their soul’s purpose and expression.

At its core, the MTHS Awakening System is founded upon four key pillars:

  1. Mindfulness:Mindfulness forms the foundation of the MTHS Awakening System, inviting individuals to cultivate present-moment awareness and conscious living. Through practices such as meditation, breathwork, and self-reflection, individuals learn to quiet the mind, deepen their connection with their inner wisdom, and navigate life with clarity and equanimity.
  2. Transformation:The MTHS Awakening System recognizes that true transformation occurs at multiple levels – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. By integrating various healing modalities such as energy medicine, somatic therapy, and shadow work, individuals can release limiting beliefs, heal past wounds, and embody higher states of consciousness.
  3. Holistic Healing:Central to the MTHS Awakening System is the understanding that true healing encompasses the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. Through practices such as energy clearing, chakra balancing, and sound healing, individuals can restore harmony and vitality to their energetic system, paving the way for profound healing and wholeness.
  4. Self-Realization:Ultimately, the goal of the MTHS Awakening System is to support individuals in realizing their true nature as divine beings having a human experience. By awakening to their inherent divinity and interconnectedness with all of creation, individuals can transcend the limitations of the ego and live from a place of love, wisdom, and authenticity.

So, what sets the MTHS Awakening System apart from other approaches to personal growth and spiritual development?

  • Integration of Eastern and Western Wisdom: The MTHS Awakening System integrates insights from both Eastern and Western traditions, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science. By drawing upon a diverse range of teachings and practices, individuals can access a rich tapestry of knowledge and tools for transformation.
  • Customized Approach: The MTHS Awakening System recognizes that each individual’s journey is unique and offers personalized guidance and support tailored to their specific needs and goals. Whether addressing trauma, limiting beliefs, or spiritual awakening, individuals receive individualized care and attention every step of the way.
  • Empowerment: Central to the MTHS Awakening System is the belief that true empowerment comes from within. Rather than relying on external gurus or authorities, individuals are encouraged to cultivate self-reliance, intuition, and discernment, empowering them to become their own guides on the path of awakening.

MTHS is a very high vibrational frequency directed by love and it is also an intelligent life force of its own and knows exactly where it needs to go in our system to create the best healing at any particular time in our journey. It works on healing those disharmonious beliefs within that cause our struggles in the outer world and it does it in an easy-to-use, non-confrontational way that is so relaxing too.


I being a master In MTHS system of healing, also conduct workshops to teach this very easy to learn and use healing system. It could be described as one of the most transformational healing modality on the planet today.

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+91 (901) 339-9215
