🪷 Akashic Records Practitioners Workshop – New Delhi 🪷

New Delhi, 22nd – 25th Aug ‘ 24

LEVEL 1 : Beginners Level

》Get attuned to high vibration

》Learn to access the records and do Akashic readings.

》Learn how to ask questions in Records

》Reveal your fears, blockages, patterns etc

》Get glimpses of past lives.

》Get guidance on relationship patterns and much more…


LEVEL 2: Practitioner Level

》Get attuned to access ancestral Records.

》Connect with your soul group / soul family

》Learn about soul mates as part of your soul family

》Release inherited patterns not in alignment with your soul purpose and growth

》Heal difficult ancestral bonds and inherited karmic responsibilities.

》Heal past love blocks to attract your soulmate.

》Heal bondage to lack mentality and transmute inherited beliefs

》Heal poverty patterns to create abundance and prosperity you deserve

and much more…

Upon successful completion of level 1 & 2 the participants graduate as Akashic Record Practitioners so they can not only shine bright themselves BUT also help others shine their light by doing readings for yourself and others.

For queries and registration please

Message via WhatsApp at 9013399215

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Phone Number

+91 (901) 339-9215



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